Who are the coaches?


All on-snow training + workshops are delivered exclusively by current BASI (British Association of Snowsport Instructors) examiners well-versed in training and assessment courses. Here’s why our trainers stand out:

Rigorous Selection and Training Process

  • Our trainers undergo a rigorous selection process. They must possess current BASI trainer status, advanced skiing and teaching skills, holding the highest BASI Level 4 ISTD (International Ski Teacher Diploma) certification, which includes passing numerous technical, teaching, and mountain safety exams.

  • All of our trainers engage in continuous professional development to stay current with the latest teaching techniques, skiing standards, and safety protocols. This ensures they maintain high levels of expertise and professionalism.

In-Depth industry experience

  • Many of our trainers have experience working in diverse international ski resorts. This broadens their understanding of different skiing environments and teaching methodologies, enhancing their ability to evaluate candidates effectively.

  • Beyond examination and training duties for Peak and BASI, our trainers work as ski instructors themselves. This ongoing teaching practice keeps their skills sharp and ensures they understand the practical challenges faced by ski instructors.

George Walton

BASI Trainer
Level 4 ISTD

Eilidh McLeod

BASI Trainer
Level 4 ISTD

Ally Johnson

BASI Trainer
Level 4 ISTD

David Walton

BASI Trainer
Level 4 ISTD

Objectivity and Fairness

  • BASI uses standardised assessment criteria for exams, ensuring consistency and fairness. Our trainers are trained to apply these criteria objectively, providing a reliable measure of candidates' abilities.

  • Peak trainers are known for giving detailed, constructive feedback. This helps candidates understand their strengths and areas for improvement, which is essential for their professional development.

  • Effective communication is a hallmark of a Peak trainer. They are skilled at articulating what is expected of candidates and providing clear, actionable feedback during and after the exams.

Comprehensive Support

  • Peak trainers always try to create a supportive environment that encourages learning and growth. Their goal is not just to assess but also to help candidates improve and succeed in their careers.

  • Many trainers take on a mentorship role, offering guidance and support beyond the exam preparation context. This mentorship can be invaluable for candidates as they progress through their qualification levels.

International Recognition

  • BASI qualifications are internationally recognised, and the high standards maintained by BASI trainers contribute to this global reputation. Their assessments are trusted and respected by ski schools and resorts worldwide.

  • BASI is a member of the International Ski Instructors Association (ISIA), and its trainers ensure that examinations align with ISIA's high standards. This consistency further validates the competence and professionalism of BASI trainers as examiners.

Above all, our trainers are human. They live our values; Empathy, ambition, teamwork and simplicity. You’ll be sure to find a caring, passionate and inspirational trainer on our Peak courses.

PEAK Snowsports HQ