Find your level
I am a total beginner. This is my first time. I’ve never skied before!
Understand how to use the equipment
I can balance while sliding, on a nursey slope
I can make a snowplough shape while sliding
Use magic carpets
I can make snowplough turns and stop on competently on a green run.
I can get up myself, after falling
I can snow plough traverse
Follow instructors tracks, without cutting corners
Use chair lifts accompanied
Use bubble lifts
Basic Intermediate
I am comfortable snow plough turning on green runs and easy blue runs. I am keen to learn how to make a parallel turn.
I can balance on the outside ski
I am learning how to side-slip, may leave the uphill ski behind
Parallel traverse with the lower ski gripping
Use chair lifts
I am starting to explore all blue runs and easy red runs. I am confident skiing parallel turn on these runs.
Direct side slip controlling both skis simultaneously
Ski within a corridor appropriate to the slope, controlling speed and line
I can manage my posture on steeper slopes
Use all lifts
Basic Advanced
Comfortable skiing most red runs but would like to improve my technique so that I can tackle changing snow conditions and steeper slopes.
Able to lift inside ski at the fall line to the end of the turn
Diagonal side slipe, controlling fore and aft movements
I am learning to make short turns and develop my pole plant
Navigate the ski area
I am happy skiing on any coloured runs. I am keen to improve my technique to perform better grippy short turns on-piste. I am also beginning to learn how to carve long turns. If conditions allow, I’m interested in off-piste.
Ski narrow corridor controlling speed and line
Maintain ski to snow contact at all time
Starting to roll from edge to edge on a green slope, leaving 2 clean tracks behind
Ski a funnel, from short, to medium, to long radius turns
Lap runs independently
Lead around the ski area
I can ski the whole mountain with confidence on and off-piste. I am looking to push my technical knowledge and level in different areas such as, on piste, off- piste, moguls and ski touring.
Linked turns in easy moguls
Cleanly carve on red and black runs
Link flowing turns in off-piste snow
Understand avalanche danger scale and equipment
Navigate in variables / lead a partner in tree runs / off piste
Deal with emergencies
Attempt green and blue freestyle features