Diverse training team

We believe diversity is a real strength, being able to look around corners allows us to find a diverse team. The work has only begun, we’re still a long way from complete diversity but here are things we promote and search for in our trainers and instructors:

Varied backgrounds, skills, experiences, and perspectives enhance our team's ability to address a wide range of learning needs, foster creativity, and improve overall training effectiveness.

Different Educational Pathways

  • We have a wide range of pathways including a mix of formal education, certifications, and self-taught knowledge that helps ensure a well-rounded team.

  • Trainers with academic and practical expertise can offer both theoretical and hands-on learning experiences.

Cultural and Ethnic Diversity

  • Cultural diversity enriches the training environment by incorporating different cultural perspectives and practices, we’re lucky enough to have team members from Australia, France, Italy, Slovenia and the United Kingdom.

  • This cultural diversity enhances cultural competence and sensitivity, which is crucial for training teams working in global or multicultural contexts.

Gender Diversity

  • Lead by example, we’re very proud to have gender balance in our leadership roles to help create role models for the next generation of trainees.

  • We can ensure training content and delivery methods are inclusive and resonate with a diverse audience.

Experience Levels

  • Including both seasoned professionals and newer trainers brings a balance of wisdom and fresh ideas, we welcome 2 new BASI trainers to our training courses for 2025!

  • Mentorship opportunities arise naturally within the team, promoting continuous professional development.

Different Geographical Locations

  • Trainers from different regions can offer localised insights and understand regional challenges and opportunities.

  • Ski instructing is a global profession, we work with learners from all corners of the world.

Diversity is always evolving in our business and our industry, we’ve continually looking at ways we can tap into more diverse practices to keep learning and teaching all people of all levels.

David Walton