PEAK Community

Community is important to us. It’s a topic that’s wide-reaching, from the mountain communities we integrate into, the client community who book our amazing instructors, the trainee community who learn from our trainers and the PEAK family brand-wide.

Here we focus on a few ways we at Peak try to build an effective learning community:

Collaborative Learning Platforms

  • Online Learning Management Systems (LMS): We use Notion for sharing our curriculum and training resources.

  • Discussion Forums and Social Media Groups: Set up internal forums or social media groups where employees can ask questions, share knowledge, and discuss topics related to their field.

  • Slack channels: We have our own private and public Slack channels for building a community of trainees, instructors and mentors.

Regular Workshops and Training Sessions

  • Course Workshops: We have regular workshops led by internal or external experts on relevant topics to your ski instructor journey.

  • Lunch and Learn Sessions: Informal sessions where team members and trainees can learn about new topics during their lunch breaks.

Mentorship and Peer Learning

  • Mentorship Programs: We encourage seeking out mentors and pair less experienced trainees with seasoned mentors who can guide them and provide insights based on their experience.

  • Peer Learning Groups: this is a natural part of the training courses, where trainees are in groups with similar interests or goals, you can collaborate and learn from each other.

Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

  • Leadership Support: We ensure that our company leaders and managers actively promote and participate in learning initiatives.

David Walton